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Bark of a poplar tree
Bluesky now has 20 million accounts, there is a large media attention to Bluesky, people are exploring the firehose, and much more.
Autumn leaves floating on water
Even on the fediverse is Bluesky currently the main topic of conversation, and some other smaller news as well.
Mushrooms in the woods
Bluesky is building a decentralised social network. But how does decentralisation lead to a better distribution of power?
Autumn leaves of the horse chestnut
15 million accounts, 7m MAU, an explosion of Starter Packs, and a ton of new tools.
Waterdrops on a green bench
Simple bots, updates to Loops, and Flipboard takes over some automated RSS accounts.
Yellow lichen on a grey tomb stone
Visualise statistics about your account with multiple new tools, Bridgy Fed discusses governance, and further integration of the ATmosphere ecosystem with 3p clients
Fruits of Clematis vitalba (also known as old man's beard)
Loops has finally launched, Radio Free Fedi will shut down, and governance for Bridgy Fed.
A lot of mushrooms in the woods
If you were to design an open social networking protocol, what would that look like? Which metaphors and comparisons would you use to get a general idea of how the network functions? And what would you answer if people ask if your network is decentralised and federated?
The polish abstract series
Bluesky has announced a $15M series A raise by a crypto venture capital fund, leading many people to talk about 'enshittification'. But is enshittification the right way to look at things?
Wall of stone in a quarry
The Fediverse Schema Observatory helps to improve interoperability, the server will shut down, and more.